
Kristina Grozeva & Petar Valchanov (2016)

Stefan Denolyubov, Margita Gosheva Rated 12 Run time 101 mins
Elegantly written and assembled, this realist fable, with it’s black humour and fatalism, revolves around railway linesman Tzanko, a shy loner with a stammer. One day he finds cash scattered all over the tracks and, reporting it to the authorities, sets off an all too plausible chain of mishaps that rebound on him most of all.
Hailed as a hero by the propaganda-hungry government, Tzanko is confronted by workaholic publicity executive Julia, and it’s all downhill from there!
94% – Rotten Tomatoes
7.6/10 – IMDB
Shot with flexible naturalism by Krum Rodriguez (DP on “Victoria” as well as “The Lesson”), the film quietly builds to a feeling of inexorable disaster.”
The variable incongruities of Glory give it a queasy power uncommon in contemporary cinema. It’s the feel-bad movie of the spring.”
Film Review: ‘Glory’ – Variety