Decision to Leave

Chan-Wook Park, South Korea, 2022

Hae-il Park, Wei Tang, Jung-hyun Lee Rated 15 Run time 139 mins

An insomniac detective in Busan is faced with a mystifying murder case and the equally mystifying (and intriguing) Chinese widow of the victim. An intelligent and elegant suspense thriller, full of tension and surprises, with brilliant acting performances by Tang Wei and Park Hae-il.

94% – Rotten Tomatoes

7.3 / 10 – IMDB

“One of the many pleasures of the feverish “Decision to Leave” is that the director Park Chan-wook clearly had as much fun making the movie as you will have watching it. A heady, baroque mystery infused with the kind of old-fashioned romantic fatalism that makes noir-darkened hearts flutter”

“while Hae-joon may be outwardly driving the story, it is Seo-rae — and Tang’s devastating performance — who imbues “Decision to Leave” with its deep, then deeper wells of feeling”

‘Decision to Leave’ Review: A Labyrinth of Desire – New York Times